The Donkey & Mule Association of the Western Reserve (DMAofWR) is a non-profit organization dedicated to donkeys and mules of all sizes and the people who love them. The organization provides a network of knowledge, experience and longear friendship in NE Ohio. DMAofWR meets on a monthly basis, and our intent is to further educate longear lovers in the proper care of our animals while providing a casual forum to share experiences and information. Our meetings have included guest speakers on special interest topics, as well as demonstrations, and planning special events. Our members have participated in shows, parades, church events, community outreach programs, children’s camps and more, promoting and enhancing public awareness of these amazing animals. Whether you use your animals for show, pleasure, pets or companionship, breeding, or you are just a longear enthusiast, DMAofWR has something for you. We are a relaxed, family friendly club and welcome you to .........
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Pictures on this website are of our members and their awesome animals...enjoy!
Our amazing members participate in...Fun Shows, Community Events and Fundraisers, Parades,
Trail Rides, Children's Camps, Church Ceremonies, Fun Get-Togethers and More
Click on Video below and Find Out...
Donkey & Mule Association
Of The
Western Reserve, Inc.